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Showing posts with the label when in the chronicle of Wasted Time

Sonnet 106 || William Shakespeare || When Chronicle of Wasted Time ||

"Sonnet 106" called as "When in the Chronicle of Wasted time" written by the greatest English poet and the "bard of avon", William Shakespeare. The poem was first published in 1609 in a quarto. This sonnet is part of the Fair Youth sequence, a series of poems that are addressed to an unknown young man. The sonnet goes on to explore the idea that the poet's verses can defy the passage of time and preserve the beauty and love of the subject for all eternity. It's a reflection on the enduring power of poetry. Shakespeare's sonnet contains fourteen lines with Iambic Pentameter. In the first, second and third quatrain, the poem follows ABAB CDCD EFEF, and the final rhyming couplet shows GG rhyme-scheme. The poem five syllables, because it has ten feet. It also shows "Love and Loss", "Power and Corruption", "Life and Death", and "Freedom and Oppression."  Shakespeare's sonnets were granted by Thomas Thrope



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