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Last Time Check SAQs on Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett -- illiterate World

  Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett   1.  What are the names of the two main characters in the play?     Answer: Vladimir and Estragon. They are two vagabonds who are waiting for Godo.  2.  What are the nicknames of Vladimir and Estragon?     Answer: Vladimir is called Didi and Estragon is called Gogo.  3.  Who is Godo?     Answer: Godot is a mysterious person that Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for. His identity or motives are never clarified.  4.  Where does the play take place?     Answer: On the side of a deserted road, where there is only one tree.  5.  Who is Pozzo?     Answer: Pozzo is an arrogant man who brings a slave named Lucky.  6.  Who is Lucky?     Ans: Lucky is Pozzo's slave, who is tied with a rope and carries a heavy load.  7.  What is the significance of the tree in the play?     Answer: The tree symbolizes life, hope and change. In the second digit, it grows leaves.  8.  Why are Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot?     Answer: They think Godo will actual



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