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Showing posts with the label theme of tradition and individual

Tradition and Individual Talents by Eliot- Synopsis, Theme and Conclusion --

Q; Appreciate critically on Eliot’s essay “ Tradition and Individual Talents. ” “ Tradition and the Individual Talents ” was first Published in 1919 and soon after included in The Sacred Wood : essays on Poetry and Criticism ( 1920 ). “ Tradition and the Individual Talents ” ( 1919 ) is an essay written by the poet and literary critic T. S. Eliot . Who is considered to be one of the 20 th century ’s greatest poets, as well as a central figure in the English-language Modernist poetry . In the course of the essay, it emphasizes the importance of the artist’s relationship with the past in shaping their own unique artistic expression. Moreover, his own work is heavily influenced by non-western Traditions. However, it should be recognized that Eliot supported many Eastern and thus Non - European works of literature such as the Mahabharata . The essay explores Eliot ’s views on the relationship between tradition and the Individual artist’s creativity and originality. He argues th



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