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Showing posts with the label the Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy short questions and answers

The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy | SAQ -- illiterate World

  The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy  1. What do the townspeople create to publicly shame Henchard and Lucetta ?    - The townspeople create effigies of Henchard and Lucetta in a skimmington ride, a public spectacle meant to humiliate them. 2. What is Lucetta's reaction to the skimmington ride?    - Lucetta is so devastated by the skimmington ride that she collapses, has a miscarriage, and eventually dies from the trauma. 3. Who arrives at Henchard's door the next day, and why?    - Newson, who was believed to be lost at sea, arrives at Henchard's door to inquire about his daughter, Elizabeth-Jane. 4. Why does Henchard lie to Newson about Elizabeth-Jane's status?    - Henchard lies to Newson, claiming Elizabeth-Jane is dead because he fears losing her companionship, which he has come to value greatly. 5. What does Newson do after Henchard tells him that Elizabeth-Jane is dead?    - Believing Henchard, Newson leaves in sorrow, grieving for his supposedly deceased



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