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Class division of The Man of Mode by Sir George Etherege: Introduction, Culture, Summary and Themes --

Q : Critically discuss the wit in “The Man of Mode ” by Sir George Etherege . One of the most important restoration comedies is “ The Man of Mode ,” or “ Sir Fopling Flutter ,” written by the English dramatists , Sir George Etherege . Who is considered one of the “ big five dramatists ” of Restoration comedy. It was first published in 1676 , and played by Thomas Betterton and William Smith . In the course of the play, the womanizer, Dorimant who tries to win over the young heiress,   Harriet and to disengage himself from his affair with Mrs. Loveit . The critic, Brian Gibbons describes, “ The Man of Mode ” as “ The comedy of manners in its most concentrated form .” “ The Man of mode ,” Etherege ’s last play, appears to satirize many contemporaries of Restoration London . The character of Dorimant may have been based on John Wilmot , 2 nd Earl of Rochester ; though there is no evidence of this. One is the portrayal of life as a “ game .” Norman N. Holland concludes that “ Virtu



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