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Partition by W. H. Auden | Critical Analysis | Cyrill Radcliffe --

Create a Good Definition on Partion by W. H. Auden Introduction The English poet Wystan Hugh Auden wrote "Partition" in 1966. Though it never mentions him by name, the poem describes Cyril Radcliffe: the British lawyer who was tasked with drawing the boundaries during the 1947 Partition of India, which divided the country into a Hindu-majority India and a Muslim-majority Pakistan. "Partition" was published in Auden's 1969 collection, City Without Walls . The poem deals with the historical event of the partition of the sub-continent into India and Pakistan. More Information Around 12 million people were displaced and millions were left homeless. Cyril Radcliffe arrived in India on July 8, 1947. This was an epic task done in haste and carelessness, resulting in a monumental tragedy. Partition along the Radcliffe Line ended in violence that killed one million people and displaced 12 million. Radcliffe burnt his papers, refused his Rs 40,000 fee, and le



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