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Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Text, literary Devices, Summary, and Analysis --

Introduction, Definition and Conclusion of The Hamlet by William Shakespeare : " Hamlet ," written by William Shakespeare , is one of the most famous works in the English literature canon. This tragedy (Hamlet Story), said to have been written between 1599 and 1601 , which is mainly focuses on, " revenge, corruption, madness, mortality, and Hamlet's soliloquy." The play was set in Denmark , the play tells the story of Prince Hamlet and his quest for vengeance against his uncle, Claudius (an evil) , who has killed Hamlet's father, taken the throne, and married Hamlet's mother, Gertrude Strein . The play expresses, " The way hamlet changes over the course of the play is called, and what is hamlet about ."  1. Plot Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare : - Exposition :   The play begins with the appearance of the ghost of King Hamlet of was one of the important characters of " Hamlet " by William Shakespeare , who reveals to Prince Ham



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