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Showing posts with the label short story

The Shroud by Munshi Premchand: Introduction, Summary, Conclusion -- Dalit Literature

      • Munshi Premchand's last story Shroud (1935) is a social classic - a true story of an oppressed victim. DhanPat Rai Shrivastav, Munshi Premchand (188-1936) is best known to us for his realistic understanding of the rural oppressed caste and his inter-genre depiction of the life of the lower castes and the "untouchables", now known as Dalits. Premchand is famous for the "real" level of his village, and indeed it is there, it has its limits. However, "The Shroud" is marked by its sympathetic portrayal of the downtrodden and untouchables.          • In Shroud, Premchand shows the duo living in the father-son community of Ghisu and Madhav Chama. The lowest caste among the untouchables. They appear here as villain characters due to the negative screenplay. At the beginning of the story, we see Madhav's wife Budhiya dying after giving birth. They were sitting on the doorstep of their hut, beside a dead fire, spreading boiled potatoes, while

Deep Analysis of Draupadi by Mahasweta Devi: Introduction, Summary, Theme, and Conclusion --

Collapsible Sections Introduction One of Mahasweta Devi’s short stories ‘Draupadi’ was first published in 1978 in her collection, “Agnigarbha”. It was translated into English by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, she came out in the Critical Inquiry journal in 1981 and later in her collection Breast Stories in 1997. And in the story, we know about a woman, Dopdi Mehjen, the protagonist of the story, who belongs to the Santhal tribe of West Bengal. She was a character like English folklore “Robin hood”. We see Draupadi and her husband, Dulna murder a wealthy landlords, surja sahu. Summary At the beginning of the story, we see Draupadi or Dopdi as her name appears in dialect, is a “Santhal tribe girl”, who is “vulnerable to injustice but resist the burnt of social oppression and violence with strong will and courage and, even try to deconstruct the age old structures of racial and gender discriminat



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