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Showing posts with the label short questions and answers on Contemporary literary genre

10 Pieces Two Marks SAQs On Contemporary Literature For UGC NET -- Illiterate World

Contemporary Literature -- Literary Genre:  1. Q: What time period does contemporary literature generally cover? A: Contemporary literature typically refers to works published since 1945. It encompasses postmodernism and subsequent literary movements, reflecting evolving social and political viewpoints in the post-World War II era. 2. Q: How does contemporary literature differ from Romanticism? A: Unlike Romanticism, contemporary literature often criticizes notions of finding divinity in nature and seeking ideal virtues within individuals. It challenges all-embracing narratives and single interpretations of the world. 3. Q: What is postmodernism in literature? A: Postmodernism is a literary movement that extends and deepens modernism. It emphasizes self-referential irony, absurdity, and cynicism, challenging traditional narrative structures and the concept of absolute truth. 4. Q: Who are some notable modernist writers? A: Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway are prominent modernist wr



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