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Samson Agonistes: As a Closet Drama - John Milton

Samson Agonistes is a closet drama by John Milton, written in 1671 and published in 1671 along with Paradise Regained. The play is based on the biblical story of Samson from the Book of Judges.The dangers of pride and weaknessThe power of temptation and redemptionThe importance of faith and trust in GodSamson Agonistes was written during a time of great political and religious upheaval in England. Milton was a Puritan who believed in the importance of individual liberty and religious freedom. Samson Agonistes was originally published in a volume with Milton's epic poem Paradise Regained. However, it has since been recognized as a masterpiece of English literature.The play is also classified as a tragedy, which means that it deals with the downfall of a great man.Samson Agonistes is based on the biblical story of Samson, which is found in the Book of Judges. The play also draws on classical Greek tragedy, such as the plays of Sophocles and Euripides.Milton uses a variety of rhetoric



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