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Paradise Lost Book 9: Explanation and Conclusion - John Milton

An English intellectual John Milton wrote an epic poem "Paradise Lost" in the seventh century. The first version poem was published in 1667. Milton wrote Paradise Lost entirely through dictation with the help of amanuenses and friends. In the course of this book, Satan, who was banished from the Garden of Eden, sneaks back in disguised as a mist. He then transforms into a snake. Satan is jealous of Adam and Eve's innocence and wants to tempt them into sin to get revenge on God. Historically, Milton began writing Paradise Lost three years after the fall of Cromwell's government.  Milton's "Paradise Lost" consists of twelve books with over ten thousand lines of verse. The book doesn't follow any specific rhyme scheme; although it expresses iambic pentameter. In the 1667 version, there were only ten books. It is a blank verse poem. On the other hand, the poem includes, "darkness, light and vertical movement." Milton scholar John Leonard notes,



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