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Of Ambition by Francis Bacon - Summary, Themes, and Conclusion --

Q: Bacon ’s essay “ Of Ambition ” is critically expressed into a pure ambitious person. “ Of Ambition ” is an argumentative essay by " the father of English essay " Francis Bacon who was an influential figure in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The essay was first published in 1625 . In the course of the essay, “ Ambition ” is something that induces a manner and a spirit to achieve something in his life. Such ambitiousness can be beneficial as well as harmful . Bacon deals with the topic purely on political merits and demerits. During the time of the essay's writing, England was understanding significant, political and cultural changes. It was a time of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern period which was marked by exploration and colonization.    In an Important Segment, Bacon cites the example of the Roman emperor, Tiberius who used Macro to pull down Sejanus . He starts his essay with the definition of ambition; using a simile, he



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