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Showing posts with the label narrative technique

Stream of Consciousness - Narrative Technique

Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique that attempts to capture the natural flow of a character's thoughts. It is often used to create a sense of immediacy and intimacy, and to give the reader a better understanding of the character's inner world. Stream of consciousness writing is often characterized by the following techniques:           • Free association : The character's thoughts are presented in a loose and associative way, without any clear logical progression.            • Unconventional syntax : The character's thoughts may be presented in ungrammatical or incomplete sentences, or in fragments.               • Sensory details : The character's thoughts may be accompanied by vivid sensory impressions, such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.                • Interior monologue : The character's thoughts may be presented in the form of an interior monologue, which is a direct account of the character's thoughts and feelings. Str



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