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Catharsis: Pity and Fear - Poetics by Aristotle

  Q: Dramatically explain the Catharsis: pity and fears of Poetics by Aristotle .                               Catharsis is the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. " Music is a means of catharsis for them ." Catharsis is from the Ancient Greek word " katharsis ", meaning " purification " or " cleansing ", commonly used to refer to the purification and purgation of thoughts and emotions by way of expressing them. The desired result is an emotional state of renewal and restoration. Aristotle a tragedy is an imitation of an action.   What the actor on stage does thrusting through the curtain with his sword represents Hamlet thrusting through the curtain with his sword. Aristotle 's fragmentary treatise on the Fine Arts (Poetike) has been the subject of commentary since its composition in the 4th century B.C. to Aristotle 's concept of katharsis and the " medical " vs &quo



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