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Showing posts with the label diaspora in literature

Diaspora | Topic | Meaning in English -- illiterate World

  Diaspora -- Topic  • Diaspora basics:   - Large group of people living outside their traditional homeland   - Share cultural or regional origin   - Often caused by immigration or forced movement • Types of diaspora:   - Victim: Forced expulsion from a region   - Imperial/colonial: Result of political expansion   - Trade: Due to business activities   - Labor: People seeking work globally • Notable examples:   - Jewish diaspora: Centuries of migration due to expulsion and discrimination   - African diaspora: Mostly due to the Atlantic slave trade   - Irish diaspora: Caused by famine and poor economic conditions   - Armenian, Palestinian, Syrian diasporas: Result of conflicts • Characteristics of diasporic communities:   - Often maintain strong cultural ties to homeland   - May develop dual identities (ancestral and new culture)   - Can face challenges integrating into new societies   - Sometimes outnumbered in their new country of residence • Impact of diasporas:   - Contribute to cult



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