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Showing posts with the label critical appreciation of Ulysses by James Joyce

Research Thesis on Ulysses by James Joyce: Historical Background and Critical References --

1. Introduction of Ulysses  The novel parallels Homer's " The Odyssey " through the motif of Odysseus' journey. In "Ulysses", Leopold takes a similar journey in a day; his adventures mirror the various incidents that Odysseus experienced on his way home to Penelope and Telemachus. "Ulysses" is divided into three parts: The Telemachiad, the Odyssey, and The Nostos; it has eighteen episodes. The novel mirrors Homer's "The Odyssey" and is a stream-of-consciousness text with each chapter written in a different style. 2. More   Information of Ulysses  "Ulysses" by James Joyce was published in 1922. The novel is a parallel to Homer's "The Odyssey". Set in Dublin, Ireland, all in one day (June 16, 1904), the novel revolves around three main characters: Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom, and his wife, Molly. The novel was banned immediately after publication "for being prurient and obscene." Until the court case



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