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Biography of William Wordsworth: Life, Collaboration, and Important Works

William Wordsworth: A Pillar of English Romanticism Early Life and Influences : William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, located in the Lake District of England. This region profoundly influenced his poetic imagination. He began writing poetry as a young boy and developed a deep love for nature and sympathy for the common man, both major themes in his poetry. Education and Political Awakening :  Wordsworth attended grammar school near Cockermouth Church and later St. John's College, Cambridge. During his time at Cambridge, he took a walking tour of Europe, which deepened his appreciation for nature and his political ideas. His experiences in revolutionary France solidified his passion for democracy and his hatred of tyranny, which he expressed in his early works. The French Revolution and Early Poetic Works:  Wordsworth's early political radicalism was influenced by his experiences in France. His sympathy for ordinary people remained strong even



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