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Showing posts with the label best summary of The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd

The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd: Summary, Class notes, and Conclusion --

Q : Detailed Explanation of Thomas Kyd ’s play, “ The Spanish Tragedy ” On behalf of Don Andrea and Revenge. One of the most important Renaissance revenge tragedies, “ The Spanish Tragedy ,” or ” Hieronimo is Mad Again ,” written by the English playwright, Thomas Kyd. It is first published in 1587 . The Spanish Tragedy established a new genre in English theatre, the revenge play or revenge tragedy : a theatrical genre, in which the principal theme is revenge and revenge’s fatal consequences. It begins with Don Andrea being murdered by his enemy Balthazar and follows his ghost’s journey with the personified Revenge. It was first performed at London ’s National Theatre in 1982 at the Cottesloe Theatre .  In 1582 , Spain experienced the death of King Philip II , marking a transition in leadership. Meanwhile, Portugal , under Spanish rule since 1580 , sought to maintain its distinct identity. Since performances of “ The Spanish Tragedy ” continued into the mid- 1600s , the play



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