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William Congreve - Short Study

William Congreve (1670-1729), An English playwright, component of Restoration Period. His notable plays are The Old Bachelor (1693), The Double Dealer (1694), Love for Love (1695), The Mourning Bride (1697) and The Way of the World (1700). He works with classicism (provides the classical period). Importantly, he exposes comedy of manners and restoration period. In his thirties, he had completed three most influential plays. He got his major success through, The Way of The world (1700). He was died at the age of 59. 

The Way of The World by William Congreve -- illiterate World

Title: The Artifice of Disguise and the Clarity of Love in Congreve's Comedies Thematic Overview :    - Congreve's comedies, * Love for Love * and * The Way of the World *, examine distorted relationships between men and women.    - These distortions serve as comic disguises, obscuring the true nature of sexual relationships. Previous Analysis :    - In an earlier essay, I discussed how * Love for Love * celebrates the genuine love between Valentine and Angelica.    - Congreve places perceptive lovers in environments that obscure real experiences. ** Comparative Analysis of the Two Plays ** 3. ** Love for Love :**    - The comedy follows a movement from confusion to clarity.    - Disguised and hidden feelings eventually transform into open and accepted emotions.    - Perverse social rituals give way to natural human relationships. 4. ** The Way of the World :**    - This play is considered more profound than * Love for Love *.    - It delves into the problem of value in a soc



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