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The Winter's Tale: Introduction, Summary, Theme and Conclusion

Q : Important Explanation On Shakespeare ’s Play, “ The Winter’s Tale . ”   One of the most important problem plays, “ The Winter’s Tale ” by William Shakespeare , which was written in 1610 or 1611 , and  originally published in the First Folio of 1623 . The story is divided into two parts: the first depicts the intense jealousy of King Leontes , and leads to tragic consequences, while the second part unfolds a pastoral romance with themes of forgiveness and reconciliation.  The main plot of “ The Winter’s Tale” is taken from Robert Greene ’s pastoral romance,  “ Pandosto ”( 1588) .  Edmund Oscar von Lippmann pointed out that “ Bohemia ” was also a rare name for Apulia in southern Italy . In Sicilia , King Leontes is consumed by suspicion, “ Too hot, too hot! To mingle friendship far is mingling minds, / And minds once mingled by a touch of love .” He convinced his wife Hermione is unfaithful to him with his dearest friend, Polixenes . Blinded by rage, Leontes accuses Her



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