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Showing posts with the label What are the most important themes of The Man of Mode by Sir George Etherege

Class division of The Man of Mode by Sir George Etherege: Introduction, Culture, Summary and Themes --

Q : Critically discuss the wit in “The Man of Mode ” by Sir George Etherege . One of the most important restoration comedies is “ The Man of Mode ,” or “ Sir Fopling Flutter ,” written by the English dramatists , Sir George Etherege . Who is considered one of the “ big five dramatists ” of Restoration comedy. It was first published in 1676 , and played by Thomas Betterton and William Smith . In the course of the play, the womanizer, Dorimant who tries to win over the young heiress,   Harriet and to disengage himself from his affair with Mrs. Loveit . The critic, Brian Gibbons describes, “ The Man of Mode ” as “ The comedy of manners in its most concentrated form .” “ The Man of mode ,” Etherege ’s last play, appears to satirize many contemporaries of Restoration London . The character of Dorimant may have been based on John Wilmot , 2 nd Earl of Rochester ; though there is no evidence of this. One is the portrayal of life as a “ game .” Norman N. Holland concludes that “ Virtu



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