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Showing posts with the label What are the best questions from Iliad and Odyssey

Best QNA from Homer's Writings | Literature of BC | Iliad and Odyssey

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers from Homer:   1. Q: What are Homer's two major epic poems?    A: The Iliad and The Odyssey were Homer's most important poems of all time. 2. Q: When were Homer's works believed to have been published?    A: It was around the 8th century BCE. 3. Q: What war is the central focus of The Iliad?    A: The Trojan War was the central focus of Illiad. 4. Q: Who is the main character of The Odyssey?    A: Odysseus was the proponent character of Odyssey by Homer. 5. Q: How long does Odysseus's journey home take in The Odyssey?    A: 10 years of journey. 6. Q: What is the name of Odysseus's wife?    A: Penelope was the wife of Odysseus. 7. Q: Who is the great warrior of the Greeks in The Iliad?    A: Achilles was the greatest warriors of "The Illiad" by Homer. 8. Q: What caused the Trojan War according to Homer?    A: The abduction of Helen by Paris. 9. Q: What is the Trojan Horse, and in which work is it mentioned?    A: A wooden



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