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Volpone, or Fox by Ben Jonson: Comdey of Humours, Introduction, Summary and Conclusion --

  Q: Historically Discuss Jonson ’s play, “ Volpone ”. Ben Jonson 's most performed play, " Volpone " was first produced in 1605–1606 , as well as it is a city comedy and beast fable . The play is ranked among the finest Jacobean-era comedies. It is appeared in a quarto in early 1607 , and printed by George Eld for publisher, Thomas Thorpe . In the course of the play, Volpone , a wealthy Venetian, and his servant Mosca manipulate ones in their plan to get ones' property through his fatal. Here, Jonson 's dedication to Oxford and Cambridge, as well as a great number of commendatory verses are aroused in English and Latin by fellow poets such as Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher .   However, at the beginning of the story, Volpone ( The Fox ) is a Venetian gentleman, who pretends to be on his deathbed, and Voltore ( The Vulture ), Corbaccio ( The Raven ) and Corvino ( The Crow ) aspire to inherit Volpone ’s fortune. On the other hand, Mosca ( The Fly



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