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The Way of The World by William Congreve -- illiterate World

Title: The Artifice of Disguise and the Clarity of Love in Congreve's Comedies Thematic Overview :    - Congreve's comedies, * Love for Love * and * The Way of the World *, examine distorted relationships between men and women.    - These distortions serve as comic disguises, obscuring the true nature of sexual relationships. Previous Analysis :    - In an earlier essay, I discussed how * Love for Love * celebrates the genuine love between Valentine and Angelica.    - Congreve places perceptive lovers in environments that obscure real experiences. ** Comparative Analysis of the Two Plays ** 3. ** Love for Love :**    - The comedy follows a movement from confusion to clarity.    - Disguised and hidden feelings eventually transform into open and accepted emotions.    - Perverse social rituals give way to natural human relationships. 4. ** The Way of the World :**    - This play is considered more profound than * Love for Love *.    - It delves into the problem of value in a soc



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