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The Tyger by William Blake: Exploring Themes, Messages, and Summary --

The Tyger by William Blake line by line Explanation: First Stanza    1) Tyger Tyger, burning bright,  (Tiger tiger, resplendent with bright light,)  2) In the forests of the night;    (In the deep forest of night;)  3) What immortal hand or eye ,    (no eternal power or vision,)  4) Could frame thy fearful symmetry?  (Could your scary Sushma create?)   Second stanza :  5) In what distant deeps or skies.    (in some distant abyss or firmament,)  6) Burnt the fire of thine eyes?  (Did your eyes light up?)  7) On what wings dare he aspire?  (On what fin does he dare to be ambitious?)  8) What the hand, dare seize the fire?  (Which hand dares to take that fire?)   Third Stanza :  9) And what shoulder, & what art ,  (No power, no skill,)  10) Could twist the sinews of thy heart?  (Can your heart get on the nerves?)  11) And when thy heart began to beat.  (And when your heart starts pounding,)  12) What dread hand? & what dread feet?  (Any scary hands? Any scary feet?)   Fourth Stan



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