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Showing posts with the label The Mayor of Casterbridge

Short Questions and Answers on The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy --

1.  Q: Who is Michael Henchard?  Answer: He is the main character of the novel and the mayor of Casterbridge.  2.  Question: How did Henchard sell his wife and daughter?  Answer: He auctioned them at a fair while drunk.  3.  Q: What is the role of Susan Henchard?  Answer: She is Michael Henchard's first wife who returns years later.  4.  Q: Who is Elizabeth-Jane?  Answer: She is known to be Henchard's daughter, but is later revealed to be Newson's daughter.  5.  Q: How does Donald Farfrae enter the story?  Answer: He comes to Casterbridge as a Scottish merchant and becomes Henchard's employee.  6.  Q: Who is Lucetta Templeman?  Answer: She is Henchard's former lover who later marries Farfrae.  7.  Q: How did Henchard become mayor?  Answer: He acquires wealth and influence through hard work and business acumen.  8.  Q: How does Henchard and Farfrae's relationship deteriorate?  Answer: Their friendship turns into enmity due to rivalry and jealousy.  9.  Q: What is



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