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Showing posts with the label Spring Offensive

Spring Offensive's Introduction, Summary, and Conclusion -- Wilfred Owen

One of Wilfred Owen's best known Anti war poems 'Spring Offensive' was written in 1918, and first published on 21st march 1918. Owen expresses here the situation of first world war implacable incidents in the poem. The poet ”Being a soldier himself and talking past in the first World War”. He had first hand experienced of the gruesome terrifying reality. The title is taken from a real incident first World War actuality known as "Spring Offensive", it refering to "The consecutive attacks on German on the Western front during during the first World War" that describes the inhuman portrayal of innocent lives being butchered.  We know from this poem what happened on the actual battlefield. According to Owen's another 'Strange Meeting', "It deals with the atrocities of World War I, The poem is narrated by a soldier who goes to the underworld to escape the hell of the battlefield and there he meets the enemy soldier he killed the day before. W



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