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Showing posts with the label Lupercalia festival origins

Lupercalia by Ted Hughes: Summary, Explanation, Themes and Conclusion.--

Q : Show its utmost in Ted Hughes ’s “ Lupercalia .” One of the most important poems, “ Lupercalia ” by Ted Hughes , who gained widespread acclaim for his powerful, often stark verse that explored themes of nature, human relationships, and the dark aspects of the human psyche. In the course of the poem, it opens by transporting the reader to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia , celebrated annually on 15 th   February . Hughes vividly sets the scene – crowds are gathered, cheering raucously as preparations are made for the fertility ritual at the heart of the Festival. It follows a free verse structure, characterized by its lack of consistent rhyme scheme or meter. The poem opens by transporting the reader to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia , celebrated annually on February 15 th . On the other hand,   Two young men nude with animal skins hanging “ blooded on their snowlit backs ”, await their role. Hughes describes in visceral detail the killing of the goat. The



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