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Most important MCQS on "The Daughters of the Late Colonel" by Katherine Mansfield

1) What are the names of the two main characters in "The Daughters of the Late Colonel"? a) Laura and Bertha b) Charlotte and Emily c) Josephine and Constantia d) Mary and Jane Answer: c) Josephine and Constantia 2) What is the important motifs of the story, "The Daughters of the Late Colonel? a) Adventure b) Freedom and repression c) Romance d) Wealth and poverty Answer: b) Freedom and repression 3) What is the relationship between Josephine and Constantia in "The Daughters of the Late Colonel? a) They are cousins b) They are friends c) They are sisters d) They are mother and daughter Answer: c) They are sisters 4) What significant event has recently occurred in the lives of Josephine and Constantia? a) They moved to a new house b) They inherited a fortune c) They got married d) Their father has died  Answer: d) Their father has died 5) What is the dominant emotion that Josephine and Constantia feel towards their father in this story? a) Hatred b) Fear c) Love d) I

Understanding "The Canary" by Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield's "The Canary" explores themes of being confined, finding oneself, and meeting society's expectations through Miss Meadows, a single lady living alone. The canary in Miss Meadows' home represents her own limits in society, being like a prisoner. Her small, dark home underlines her emotional captivity and lack of energy. Her encounters with Mr. Hammond, her old music teacher, bring back memories and unmet wishes, showing her longing for company. The canary's death is a sad moment, symbolizing the end of youthful dreams and the passing of time. Mansfield's use of sights, sounds, and feelings, like the canary's singing and the ticking clock, makes the story deeply touching and puts readers into Miss Meadows' lonely world. Overall, "The Canary" challenges society's pressure on women and the effects of going along with the crowd. It pushes readers to think about discovering oneself and searching for meaning and connecti



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