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Showing posts with the label How European has Colonized in Africa

The Wretched of the Earth – On National Culture(Ch. 4) by Frantz Fanon: A Critical Explanation

                                              The Wretched of the Earth – On National Culture This chapter, Fanon says, is concerned with legitimacy, and it has little to do with political parties. Colonialism was not content to merely exploit and abuse the people, the colonial power stripped the indigenous people of culture and history as well. The result was like a “ hammer to the head of the indigenous population .”   The quest of the colonized intellectual to reclaim the past is not a national endeavour. It is done on a “ continental scale .” The colonized intellectual’s attempt to right this wrong must then be continental, too, and they embrace African, or “ Negro ,” culture. As colonialism places white culture opposite other “ noncultures ,” “Negro ” culture, especially “ Negro ” literature, must encompass the entire continent. “Negro” literature, Fanon says, is an example of negritude, and its writers do not hesitate to go beyond the continent of Africa. Negritude has st



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