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King Lear by Edward Bond | Short QNA --

" King Lear" by Edward Bond:  1. Question: What kind of play is "King Lear" by Edward Bond?  Answer: It is a modern rewrite of Shakespeare's "King Lear".  2. Q: Who is Lear?  Answer: He is a cruel ruler who orders the construction of a wall.  3. Question: Who are Bodice and Fontanelle?  Answer: They are Lear's two daughters who rebel against their father.  4. Question: What is the significance of the wall?  Answer: It symbolizes Lear's power and control.  5. Q: Who is Warrington?  Answer: He is one of Lear's soldiers who helps build the wall.  6. Q: What is Cordelia's role?  Answer: He is a rebel leader who fights against Lear's rule.  7. Question: What is the role of violence in the play?  Answer: Violence has been used as a symbol of social and political degradation.  8. Q: How is Lear overthrown?  Answer: His daughters overthrew him and sent him into exile.  9. Q: Who is Carpenter?  Answer: He is a simple man who shelter



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