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As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage | William Shakespeare | Sonnet 23 | Thomas Thrope -

From his 154 sonnets, William Shakespeare wrote, "As an unperfect actor on the stage" also known as "Sonnet 23". The Renaissance poetry was published in 1609 by an English publisher, Thomas Thrope. While coursing the poem, the narrator compares himself to an imperfect actor on a stage who forgets his lines. He laments his inability to adequately express his love for the beloved through poetry. He feels that like an actor, he struggles to perform convincingly. Contextually, the poem includes, "love, time, beauty, and the passage of life." American literary critic, Helen Hennessy Vendler writes that in sonnet 23, "the (inevitable) distance between composing author and fictive speaker narrows to the vanishing point."  Shakespeare 's sonnetic poem "As an unperfect actor on the stage" contains fourteen lines with Iambic Pentameter. It implies ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme-scheme. The poem has three quatrains and a final rhyming couplet. This



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