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Art of Fiction by Henry James - Critical Study

  Art of Fiction by Henry James A critical essay By Henry James Published in 1884 in Longman's Magazine Rebuttal to " Fiction as One of the Fine Arts "   In The Art of Fiction , James disagrees with Besant’s assertions that plot is more important than characterization, that fiction must have a “ conscious moral purpose ,” and that experience and observation outweigh imagination as creative tools. James argues against these restrictive rules for writing fiction, responding that “ no good novel will ever proceed from a superficial mind .”   James states three points: " Fiction is an Art in every way worthy to be called the sister and the equal of the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Music, and Poetry " Art which, like them, is governed and directed by general laws; and that these laws may be laid down and taught with as much precision and exactness as the laws of harmony, perspective, and proportion. Fiction



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