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On The Sublime by Longinus Summary, Analysis, and Sparknotes -

On the Sublime (Latin: De Sublimitate ) is a Roman-era Greek work of literary criticism dated to the 1st century C.E. Its author is unknown, but it is conventionally referred to as Longinus or Pseudo-Longinus.   The author is unknown. In the 10th-century reference manuscript ( Parisinus Graecus 2036 ), the heading reports "Dionysius or Longinus," an ascription by the medieval copyist that was misread as " by Dionysius Longinus ." The work was initially attributed to Cassius Longinus (c. 213–273 AD). Since the correct translation includes the possibility of an author named " Dionysius ," some have attributed the work to Dionysius of Halicarnassus , a writer of the 1st century BC.   Among further names proposed are Hermagoras of Temnos (a rhetorician who lived in Rome during the 1st century AD), Aelius Theon (author of a work which had many ideas in common with those of On the Sublime ), and Pompeius Geminus (who was in epistolary conversati

Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial

                                            Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Western Feminism: " Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses " is an essay that addresses how Western feminist scholars characterize women of the third world as a single cohesive group. Mohanty further explains that grouping all third-world women together is not an effective way to tackle problems or create change. " Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses " is an academic essay written from the third-person point of view by feminist scholar Chandra Talpade Mohanty . She explains that she is not against the practice of generalization altogether because it is necessary to conduct studies. She says, " The assumption of women as a ... coherent group with identical interests and desires, regardless of class, ethnic or racial location or contradictions, implies a notion of gender or sexual difference.”  Mohanty gives an

Colonialism - The Wretched of the Earth

One of the most important novels, “ The Wretched of the Earth ” ( Les Damnes de la Terre , 1961 ) translated in 1963 by Ibrahim Frantz Fanon , exposes the effects of dehumanising upon the individual and the nation. In Algeria, a black man witnessing the brutal war to get independence from France in the 1950s . The book expresses colonial and post-colonial situation. Some of the scholars express about the book that is revealing race, nation, and global capitalism . The book has been become as the classical text. It is based on colonisation and decolonisation. Fanon begins by considering the “ colonized intellectual ”, someone who has been educated by the colonist but reacts against him. The intellectual strategy advocates for a “ Negro literature ” or “ Negro art ” which unites all of Africa . This is called the Negritude movement. Colonialism was not content to merely exploit and abuse the people, the colonial power stripped the indigenous people of culture and history as well. The



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