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Karl Marx - A Least Study

Karl Marx, was a German of philosopher and economist with multi talented charms. His well known work is The Communist Manifesto, which was first published in 1848. It was completed with Friedrich Engels. Engels was also a German philosopher, closest friend Marx. (I'll discuss about Engels earlier). We're also known about an another work of Marx is "Das Capital", Which was finished in three volumes. Although, we are familiar with that Marx's all works and developments are known as Marxism. 

In his life, Marx was born on 5th of May in 1818 at the Kingdom of German Confederation in Prussia. We are often known about his living place or nationality are Prussian from 1818-1845 and Stateless (A person who is not citizen of any country, it's referred that Stateless people are known as refugees. When I talk about Karl Marx life, he was stateless after 1845). 

In his education, it can be the most important topics, Marx has done his degrees from University of Bonn, University of Berlin and Lastly he has completed his Doctorate of philosophy from University of Jena (It is located in Jena, Thuringia, Germany. It is an oldest universities of Germany, and was established in 1558.)

Marx has married to Jenny Von Westphalen (Von Westphalen was born in small town of North Germany. ) in 1843. In the nineteenth century, he has contributed a dramatic effect on his philosophy. In the problematic year of 1789 to 1815, Western culture goes under the war and disruption. 

In some critical documents, someone expresses that he was not a philosopher properly rather he has completed his doctorate in philosophy.  




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