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What is Classic by T.S. Eliot | Definition, Meaning and Criticism --

What is Classic?

Q. What is Classic?

  • • Eliot observes a common literary style. It says, "Society has achieved a moment of order, and stability of equilibrium and harmony." In his article, Eliot wanted, "the consciousness of history."
  • • This essay was presented in 1944 as the Presidential Address to the Virgil Society, then published by Faber & Faber in 1945, and finally collected in On Poetry and Poets in 1956. Eliot begins his remarks by moving straight to the point. Eliot had at this same time been preparing the preliminary essays from which his "Notes towards the Definition of Culture" would eventually emerge in 1948, and he had also discussed in the 1943 essay “The Social Function of Poetry” the integral relationship that exists between a people and their national language. In the whole course of "What is a classic?", Eliot finds a window to justify his means as a modernist, like the great poets Shakespeare, Milton, or even Virgil.
  • • Meaning of Classic: It is expressed to the term "classic" that it is the word of maturity. A classic will occur then, when the civilization is mature. Eliot says if Marlowe had lived as like William Shakespeare then he may get the same fame. He expresses that "The Way of the World" by William Congreve is more matured than any of the work of William Shakespeare's play. It reflects a more matured society.

Q. What are the most important critics in "What is Classic?"

  • Shakespeare, Jeremy Taylor, Milton in England -- in France Racine, Moliere, and Pascal. They were restricting the area under civilization. On the other hand, Eliot expresses Dante's pilgrimage: towards a vision. He could make himself enjoy, led Europe towards the Christian Culture which he could never harmony.

★ Comments of What is Classic:

  • • Eliot's rationale claims, "Virgil and the Civilization world." He criticised to John Middleton Murry under the barrier of "Middle Through."

★ Conclusion of What is Classic:

  • • Eliot concludes strongly implying that in celebrating Rome, and he is placing Roman Culture. Virgil unconsciously paved the way for a new epoch in history.




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