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Samson Agonistes: As a Closet Drama - John Milton

Samson Agonistes is a closet drama by John Milton, written in 1671 and published in 1671 along with Paradise Regained. The play is based on the biblical story of Samson from the Book of Judges.The dangers of pride and weaknessThe power of temptation and redemptionThe importance of faith and trust in GodSamson Agonistes was written during a time of great political and religious upheaval in England. Milton was a Puritan who believed in the importance of individual liberty and religious freedom.

Samson Agonistes was originally published in a volume with Milton's epic poem Paradise Regained. However, it has since been recognized as a masterpiece of English literature.The play is also classified as a tragedy, which means that it deals with the downfall of a great man.Samson Agonistes is based on the biblical story of Samson, which is found in the Book of Judges. The play also draws on classical Greek tragedy, such as the plays of Sophocles and Euripides.Milton uses a variety of rhetorical devices in Samson Agonistes, including metaphor, simile, and personification.

The play opens with Samson, a once-mighty Israelite warrior, lamenting his downfall. Samson questions God's intentions and grapples with his diminished existence, exclaiming, "O dark, dark, dark, irrecoverably dark!"Delilah, Samson's former lover, arrives at the prison, seeking to regain Samson's trust and extract the secret of his remaining strength. Delilah betrays Samson's secret to the Philistines, leading to his capture and further humiliation. 

John Milton's Samson Agonistes, a poignant tragedy that delves into the depths of human nature, stands as a timeless masterpiece, offering profound insights into the complexities of pride, weakness, temptation, and redemption. The play's central message revolves around the destructive consequences of pride and weakness. Samson, blinded by his own sense of superiority, succumbs to Delilah's allure, betraying the secret of his strength and ultimately leading to his imprisonment and emasculation.

In conclusion, Samson's tragic downfall serves as a stark warning against the destructive consequences of unchecked pride. Samson Agonistes remains a timeless masterpiece, offering valuable lessons and insights that transcend time and culture. In the realm of literary masterpieces, John Milton's Samson Agonistes stands as a towering testament to the enduring power of tragedy. English poet, Matthew Arnold expresses"Samson Agonistes is, to my mind, the finest specimen of Milton's blank verse. It is full of calm, clear, natural grandeur; and the swell and flow of the verse are perfectly managed."




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