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Uncle Tom's Cabin | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Nineteenth Century Novel

Uncle Tom's Cabin: Another name of the novel is "Life among the lowly" by the nineteenth century American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is a most important novel, and also an Antibiotic Slavery Novel. In addition, the entire book was first published in 1852
In the course of the novel, Uncle Tom name man who is black, middle aged and honest slave. Uncle works at Arthur Shelby's house, his wife and he wanted to sell to Uncle Tom. Here is a man, Mr. Haley wanted to buy to Eliza and her son, also for Uncle Tom.  

In a time, Eliza and her son out from the place. In a time, Eliza's husband has out some years ago. When she goes out with his son then she alerts to Uncle Tom about his selling. In the outing time, Mr. Haley follows to Eliza. He hires Tom loker name hunter. 
In a time, the husband of Eliza, George killed to Tom Loker

On the other hand, Uncle Tom saves to Eva. Tom and Eva become friend in a time. On the other hand, St. Clare buys to Topsy. Eva gets disease, and she dreams and tell others. in a time, Eva dies. St. Clare gets murder Before freering to Uncle Tom. Uncle goes to Luciana, and we know is honest man. On the other hand, Uncle gets tortured for reading Bible. 

On the other hand, Cassy has killed her own son for not to sell to the masters, and she is telling the story to Uncle Tom. The story listens the laments. Simon Legree pressures and tortured to Uncle Tom, and he is getting die. In this time, Master Shelby comes for free to Uncle Tom. Shelby says he will not ever buy slaves in life. In a time, the Uncle Tom dies. After a time, Master Shelby declares about the the Cabin of Uncle Tom. 




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