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The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy | SAQ -- illiterate World

 The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy 

1. What do the townspeople create to publicly shame Henchard and Lucetta?

   - The townspeople create effigies of Henchard and Lucetta in a skimmington ride, a public spectacle meant to humiliate them.

2. What is Lucetta's reaction to the skimmington ride?

   - Lucetta is so devastated by the skimmington ride that she collapses, has a miscarriage, and eventually dies from the trauma.

3. Who arrives at Henchard's door the next day, and why?

   - Newson, who was believed to be lost at sea, arrives at Henchard's door to inquire about his daughter, Elizabeth-Jane.

4. Why does Henchard lie to Newson about Elizabeth-Jane's status?

   - Henchard lies to Newson, claiming Elizabeth-Jane is dead because he fears losing her companionship, which he has come to value greatly.

5. What does Newson do after Henchard tells him that Elizabeth-Jane is dead?

   - Believing Henchard, Newson leaves in sorrow, grieving for his supposedly deceased daughter.

6. What significant change occurs in Henchard's life after 21 years?

   - After 21 years, Henchard's vow of abstinence expires, and he resumes drinking, abandoning his previous commitment to sobriety.

7. How does Newson react upon discovering the truth about Elizabeth-Jane?

   - Upon discovering Henchard's lie, Newson returns to confront him, leading Henchard to disappear rather than face him.

8. What event brings Henchard back to town timidly seeking reconciliation?

   - Henchard returns timidly seeking reconciliation on the day of Elizabeth-Jane's wedding to Farfrae.

9. How does Elizabeth-Jane respond to Henchard's attempt at reconciliation?

   - Elizabeth-Jane rebuffs Henchard's attempt at reconciliation, leading him to depart for good.

10. What prompts Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae to search for Henchard?

    - Regretting her coldness towards Henchard, Elizabeth-Jane, accompanied by Farfrae, sets out to find him.

11. What do Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae discover upon locating Henchard?

    - Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae find that Henchard has died alone and discover his last written statement.

12. What is Henchard's dying wish as expressed in his last written statement?

    - Henchard's dying wish, expressed in his last written statement, is to be forgotten completely.

13. What does the skimmington ride symbolize in the story?

    - The skimmington ride symbolizes the public shaming and humiliation that Lucetta and Henchard endure due to their past actions.

14. Why is Henchard afraid of losing Elizabeth-Jane's companionship?

    - Henchard fears losing Elizabeth-Jane's companionship because he has come to deeply value her kindness and presence in his life.

15. How does Henchard's resumption of drinking affect his life?

    - Henchard's resumption of drinking marks his decline, causing him to abandon his resolve and worsening his personal struggles.

16. What is the significance of Newson's return in the narrative?

    - Newson's return introduces a pivotal moment of confrontation and truth, highlighting Henchard's deceit and resulting in his disappearance.

17. How does Henchard's disappearance reflect his character?

    - Henchard's disappearance reflects his inability to face his mistakes and his preference for avoiding confrontation, even at great personal cost.

18. What emotions drive Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae to find Henchard?

    - Feelings of regret and remorse for rebuffing Henchard drive Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae to search for him in hopes of reconciliation.

19. What does Henchard's lonely death signify in the context of the story?

    - Henchard's lonely death signifies the ultimate consequence of his actions, leading to isolation and a tragic end without redemption.

20. How does the final revelation of Henchard's dying wish impact the narrative?

    - Henchard's dying wish to be forgotten underscores the profound sense of failure and desire for erasure that defines his tragic character arc.




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