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Last Time Check SAQs on Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett -- illiterate World

 Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett 

1.  What are the names of the two main characters in the play?

    Answer: Vladimir and Estragon. They are two vagabonds who are waiting for Godo.

 2.  What are the nicknames of Vladimir and Estragon?

    Answer: Vladimir is called Didi and Estragon is called Gogo.

 3.  Who is Godo?

    Answer: Godot is a mysterious person that Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for. His identity or motives are never clarified.

 4.  Where does the play take place?

    Answer: On the side of a deserted road, where there is only one tree.

 5.  Who is Pozzo?

    Answer: Pozzo is an arrogant man who brings a slave named Lucky.

 6.  Who is Lucky?

    Ans: Lucky is Pozzo's slave, who is tied with a rope and carries a heavy load.

 7.  What is the significance of the tree in the play?

    Answer: The tree symbolizes life, hope and change. In the second digit, it grows leaves.

 8.  Why are Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot?

    Answer: They think Godo will actually remove the meaninglessness of their lives, but the exact reason for this is unclear.

 9.  When does Lucky talk?

    Answer: Lucky only speaks once, when he is asked to "think".  He then gave a long, incoherent speech.

 10.  How is the concept of time presented in the play?

     Answer: Time is vague and confusing.  Characters often forget what happened and the days seem like one another.

11.  How do Vladimir and Estragon spend their time?

     Answer: They talk, argue, play and sometimes think of suicide.

 12.  Which show is repeatedly mentioned in the play?

      Answer: Estragon's boots, which do not fit his feet properly.

 13.  Who is Godor's messenger?

      Answer: A boy, who comes every day and says that Godo will not come today, will come tomorrow.

 14.  How does Pozzo change to the second digit?

      Answer: Pozzo becomes blind and becomes completely dependent on Lucky.

 15.  What is the significance of the phrase "nothing to be right" in the play?

      Answer: It highlights the futility of life and the helplessness of man.

 16.  Why don't Vladimir and Estragon leave each other?

      Answer: They depend on each other and being together makes the loneliness of life a little less.

 17.  How is humor used in the play?

      Answer: Through humorous dialogues and actions even in tragic situations.

 18.  How is the clothing of the characters described?

      Answer: Their clothes are tattered and dirty, which reveals their poor and depressed condition.

 19.  Where is the influence of Christianity seen in the play?

      Answer: Biblical references, the story of the crucified bandit, and anticipation of redemption.

 20.  What is the significance of Lucky Dance?

      Answer: It symbolizes humanity's degradation and suffering existence.




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