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25 Important SAQs on The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M.K. Gandhi -- illiterate World

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M.K. Gandhi 

 1.  Where was Gandhiji born?

    Answer: He was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat.  His father was Dewan of Porbandar.

 2.  When did Gandhiji's child marriage take place?

    Ans: She got married to Kasturba Gandhi when she was just 13 years old.  The experience of being married at such a young age had a profound effect on his life.

 3.  Where did Gandhiji study law?

    Ans: He studied law at the Inner Temple, London.  During this time he got acquainted with the western civilization.

 4.  Why did Gandhi go to South Africa?

    Answer: He went to South Africa to fight a case for an Indian business firm.  There he was subjected to caste discrimination.

 5.  What was the basic principle of Satyagraha movement?

    Answer: The basic principle of Satyagraha was non-violent resistance.  Through this injustice was fought, but never resorted to violence.

 6.  What is Champaran Satyagraha?

    Answer: It was Gandhiji's first major movement in India.  He started this movement to protect the rights of indigo farmers in Bihar's Champaran.

 7.  Why did Gandhiji fast?

    Answer: He fasted for self-purification, penance and establishing social justice.  It was his form of non-violent resistance.

 8.  Who publishes "Harijan" magazine?

    Answer: Gandhiji published a weekly magazine called "Harijan".  Through this he spread the message of eradicating untouchability.

 9.  What is Gandhiji's concept of "Ahimsa"?

    Answer: Non-violence was the mainstay of Gandhiji's philosophy.  This means not only abstaining from physical violence, but showing compassion and love to all beings.

 10.  What is "Dandi March"?

     Answer: It was a historic Salt Satyagraha in 1930 under the leadership of Gandhiji.  He walked 388 kilometers towards Dandi to protest against the British government's Salt Act.

11.  Why did Gandhiji wear Khadi?

     Answer: Khadi was the symbol of Swadeshi movement.  He believed that the wearing and use of khadi was important in India's path to economic independence.

 12.  When did the "Quit India" movement begin?

     Answer: In 1942, Gandhiji started the "Quit India" movement.  Through this he urged the British to leave India.

 13.  Why did Gandhiji drink goat's milk while breaking his fast?

     Answer: He could not drink cow's milk due to health reasons.  So he used to drink goat's milk, which was good for his body.

 14.  What was Gandhiji's concept of "Rama Rajya"?

     Answer: "Ramrajya" was the ideal state envisioned by Gandhiji.  It was a society where justice, equality and peace would prevail.

 15.  Why did Gandhiji observe Maunavrata one day a week?

     Answer: He used to observe Maunavrata every Monday.  It was important for his self-reflection and spiritual growth.

 16.  What is the concept of "Sarvodaya"?

     Answer: "Sarvodaya" means the prosperity of all.  Gandhiji believed that no country can truly progress without the development of the weakest in the society.

 17.  Why was Gandhiji known as "Bapu"?

     Answer: The word "Bapu" means father or father.  People called him by this name with respect and love.

 18.  Which language did Gandhiji propose as the national language?

     Ans: He proposed Hindustani (mixture of Hindi-Urdu) as the national language.  He thought it would help to maintain the unity of India.

 19.  Why did Gandhiji use the word "Harijan"?

     Answer: He called the people who were considered untouchables as "Harijans" or children of God.  Through this he used to show respect to them.

 20.  What is the meaning of the word "Swaraj"?

     Answer: "Swaraj" means freedom or self-rule.  Gandhiji emphasized not only political freedom but also personal and spiritual freedom.

21.  Why was Gandhiji against "untouchability"?

     Ans: He thought untouchability was a social curse.  It is against humanity and against the core teachings of Hinduism.

 22.  What is Gandhiji's concept of "trusteeship"?

     Answer: According to this concept, rich people act as trustees of their wealth and use it for the welfare of society.

 23.  Why did Gandhiji cut the spinning wheel?

     Answer: Spinning wheel was a symbol of self-reliance and Swadeshi movement.  It was a way to strengthen the rural economy.

 24.   Who wrote the book "My application with truth"?

     Answer: This is the Bengali translation of Gandhiji's autobiography.  The original English title was "The Story of My Experiments with Truth".

 25.   Why did Gandhi practice celibacy?

     Answer: He believed that by practicing celibacy one can acquire spiritual and moral strength.  It was an important part of his life.




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