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10 Pieces Two Marks SAQs On Contemporary Literature For UGC NET -- Illiterate World

Contemporary Literature -- Literary Genre: 

1. Q: What time period does contemporary literature generally cover?

A: Contemporary literature typically refers to works published since 1945. It encompasses postmodernism and subsequent literary movements, reflecting evolving social and political viewpoints in the post-World War II era.

2. Q: How does contemporary literature differ from Romanticism?

A: Unlike Romanticism, contemporary literature often criticizes notions of finding divinity in nature and seeking ideal virtues within individuals. It challenges all-embracing narratives and single interpretations of the world.

3. Q: What is postmodernism in literature?

A: Postmodernism is a literary movement that extends and deepens modernism. It emphasizes self-referential irony, absurdity, and cynicism, challenging traditional narrative structures and the concept of absolute truth.

4. Q: Who are some notable modernist writers?

A: Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway are prominent modernist writers. They pioneered new literary techniques and explored themes of alienation, fragmentation, and the complexities of human consciousness in their works.

5. Q: What is metamodernism in literature?

A: Metamodernism is a recent literary movement that moves away from postmodernist excesses. It seeks to balance irony with sincerity, cynicism with hope, and relativism with a renewed search for meaning and truth.

6. Q: How does contemporary literature reflect society?

A: Contemporary literature mirrors current social and political viewpoints, addressing issues like globalization, technology, identity politics, and environmental concerns. It often challenges established norms and explores diverse perspectives.

7. Q: What replaced postmodernism in literature?

A: After the 1990s, postmodernism gradually gave way to new literary sensibilities. These have been variously called post-postmodernism, posthumanism, and most recently, metamodernism.

8. Q: How does contemporary literature approach narrative structures?

A: Contemporary literature often experiments with narrative structures, challenging linear storytelling. It may employ techniques like fragmentation, multiple perspectives, and blending of genres to reflect complex realities.

9. Q: What role does technology play in contemporary literature?

A: Technology is a significant theme in contemporary literature, exploring its impact on human relationships, communication, and identity. Digital media has also influenced narrative forms and reading experiences.

10. Q: How does contemporary literature address cultural diversity?

A: Contemporary literature increasingly embraces cultural diversity, giving voice to marginalized groups and exploring multicultural experiences. It often challenges Western-centric perspectives and promotes global understanding.




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